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Soumis par Weckel Philippe le 15 July 2012

Blocage au Conseil de sécurité

Le rituel des réunions du Conseil de sécurité sur la Syrie est désormais bien fixé, Vendredi le 6 juillet, en remettant son rapport, le Secrétaire général de l'ONU a lancé la préparation d'une nouvelle résolution ayant essentiellement pour objet de prolonger le mandat du groupe des observateurs internationaux en Syrie. Il a proposé d'en modifier l'orientation. Cet instrument devrait être adopté avant le 20 juillet. Mardi le 10 la Russie a fait circuler son projet de résolution minimaliste qui vise essentiellement à prolonger le cadre juridique existant. Le lendemain, l'Envoyé spécial conjoint a présenté la situation actuelle et rendu compte de son action au Conseil de sécurité. Le même jour les Etats-Unis et les Etats européns ont diffusé un projet alternatif de résolution qui est fondé sur le Chapitre VII de la Charte. Le rituel s'est poursuivi par un débat au cours duquel chacun a campé sur ses positions et, suivant le rituel, le vendredi une version révisée et consolidée (bleu) aurait pu être distribuée en vue d'une adoption de la résolution le samedi matin. Or il n'en a rien été parce que le Conseil de sécurité est désormais au pied du mur et que l'on ne voit pas comment Occidentaux et Russes pourraient trouver un terrain d'entente. La Russie a clairement fait savoir que le recours au Chapitre VII représentait une ligne rouge dont elle refuserait le franchissement : le veto est annoncé. Les Occidentaux ne peuvent pas renoncer à cette référence au Chapitre VII en raison de la non-application persistante du Plan en six points. Le massacre de Trem-seh dans la soirée du 12 juillet devrait renforcer leur détermination. L'Envoyé spécial conjoint et le Secrétaire général invitent d'ailleurs les membres du Conseil de sécurité à s'orienter vers une résolution plus ferme.

Négociation prolongée en vue d'éviter l'échec des Nations unies et le chaos en Syrie

On doit craindre la perspective d'un passage au vote de la résolution, même si les Etats-Unis paraissent l'envisager. En effet, le projet russe ne recuillerait que l'approbation de la Russie et de la Chine, Le projet occidental devrait bénéficier du soutien de 13 des 15 membres, mais il ne pourrait être adopté en raison du vote négatif de deux membres permanents. Le blocage entraînerait alors la mise hors jeu du Conseil de sécurité et la fin de la mission de l'Envoyé spécial conjoint. Quelles seraient les conséquences de cet échec historique de l'organe du maintien de la paix, notamment en ce qui concerne son autorité et sa crédibilité ? Comment évoluerait la situation en Syrie en huis-clos, sans présence internationale ? Une délicate négociation commence donc ce vendredi 13 par une réunion du P5, comme d'habitude à la mission britannique, et pourrait se poursuivre une bonne partie de la semaine prochaine, jusqu'à mercredi voire même vendredi. Lundi l'Envoyé spécial conjoint se rend à Moscou et le Secrétaire général se déplace en Chine mardi.

Perspectives incertaines

Le fait est que l'on ne voit pas vers quelle issue positive pourrait s'orienter cette négociation. Une chose semble évidente : prolonger simplement la mission internationale en Syrie dans les conditions actuelles ne serait pas utile.La situation ne peut que se dégrader sur le terrain et il ne serait pas approprié de maintenir sur place une présence internationale qui n'aurait aucune influence sur les parties, ni de prolonger une médiation dont l'échec serait avéré et consolidé. Or l'autorité de M. Kofi Annan s'est considérablement érodée.

Il est difficile de garder le sens des réalités dans une situation aussi complexe. Cette crise est essentiellement syrienne. Elle est née de la répression brutale de manifestations de rue. Aussi le conflit est-il avant tout une guerre pour la conquête de l'espace public. Or, en se montrant immédiatement favorable, avant d'avoir  consulté l'opposion, à une proposition du Président Assad, Monsieur Kofi Annan a commis une grave erreur d'appréciation. Cette proposition semblait directement inspirée du droit humanitaire, mais en neutralisant certaines zones critiques ont aurait favorisé le camp loyaliste en lui permettant d'en reprendre le contrôle sans coup férir et de concentrer ses forces sur d'autres zones. Le diplomate a donc involontairement pris parti. La seconde erreur de l'Envoyé spécial conjoint réside dans l'importance excessive qu'il accorde à l'influence étrangère. La classe dirigeante russe est liée à la caste dominante en Syrie qui façonne d'ailleurs son jugement de la situation. La Russie n'a aucune influence en ce qui concerne l'abandon du pouvoir par cette minorité. L'Iran entretient des liens étroits avec le pouvoir de nature essentiellement confessionnelle. Son action ne peut que favoriser une confrontation entre la minorité alaouite et la majorité sunnite. Ainsi toutes les influences étrangères ont une portée négative et cultivent le chaos; Il n'y a qu'un seul moyen et une seule voie étroite pour prévenir le chaos généralisé en Syrie et la détérioration de la situation dans la région (Liban, Iraq, Israël, etc.) : l'action multilatérale unifiée et centralisée au Conseil de sécurité. Une base solide de consensus existe puisque, à travers la Déclaration de Genève du Groupe d'action, les cinq membres permanents se sont mis d'accord sur la gestion de la transition politique. Le plus important est aujourd'hui de préserver cet acquis essentiel et de garantir que ce cadre sera respecté, lorsque la pacification permettra d'engager la transition.

Sentinelle interrompt ses activités ce dimanche et il ne lui sera donc pas possible de rendre compte immédiatement de l'évolution de la crise syrienne. Je renvoie les lecteurs vers Nabil Abi Saab qui, avec son blog et son compte Twitter, informe pratiquement en temps réel des développements diplomatiques de la situation syrienne en publiant les textes pertinents.


  • Le projet russe de résolution du 10 juillet 2012



The Security Council,
Recalling its resolutions 2042 (2012) and 2043 (2012), as well as its presidential statements of 3 August 2011, 21 March 2012 and 5 April 2012, and also recalling all relevant resolutions of the General Assembly,
Reaffirming its support to the Joint Special Envoy of the United Nations and the League of Arab States, Kofi Annan, and his six-point proposal approved by the relevant SC resolutions,
Welcoming the Final Communiqué adopted at the Action Group for Syria ministerial meeting in Geneva on 30 June 2012 (annexed to this resolution) and urging the member states and all Syrian parties to fully comply with its provisions and to implement them in their entirety,
Condemning the widespread violations of human rights by the Syrian authorities, as well as any human rights abuses by armed groups, recalling that those responsible shall be held accountable, and expressing its profound regret at the death of many thousands of people in Syria,
Expressing concern over ongoing violence, and noting the lack of progress in implementation of the Envoy's six-point peace plan by the Syrian parties,
Commending the role and efforts of the United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS), expressing the readiness to extend its mandate and taking note of the Secretary-General's report on the implementation of Resolution 2043 (2012), and observations contained therein to this end (S/2012/523),
Expressing also its appreciation of the humanitarian assistance that has been provided to Syria by other states,
Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Syria, and to the purposes and principles of the Charter,
1. Decides to extend the mandate of UNSMIS for a period of three months taking into account the Secretary-General's recommendations contained in paragraphs 67-71 of his report, and stresses the need for UNSMIS to have a military observer capability to conduct effective verification and fact-finding tasks.
2. Calls upon all Syrian parties to guarantee the safety of UNSMIS personnel without prejudice to its freedom of movement and access, and stresses that the primary responsibility in this regard lies with the Syrian authorities;
3. Strongly urges all parties in Syria to cease immediately all armed violence in all its forms;
4. Reaffirms its support for and calls for the urgent, comprehensive and immediate implementation of all elements of the Envoy's six-point proposal as annexed to resolution 2042 (2012) and the Final Communiqué adopted at the Action Group ministerial meeting in Geneva on 30 June 2012;
5. Urges the Government of Syria and opposition groups to immediately commence the implementation of the provisions of the Final Communiqué, including the principles and guidelines on a Syrian-led transition, stressing that it is for the Syrian people to find a political solution and that the Syrian parties must be prepared to put forward effective and mutually acceptable interlocutors to work with the Joint Special Envoy towards a Syrian-led settlement;
6. Urges all member states to work in the spirit of the Final Communiqué and cooperate in good faith with the Joint Special Envoy in his efforts to facilitate a Syrian-led political process;
7. Expresses its concern over the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Syria, including the growing numbers of the refugees and internally displaced persons in the country and in bordering states, and welcomes in this regard the tireless efforts by the international humanitarian agencies to address the basic needs of the population affected by the crisis;
8. Urges all Syrian parties to grant a full and unimpeded humanitarian access of the humanitarian personnel to those in need and reiterates its call for them to observe the necessary humanitarian pause to ensure the evacuation of civilians from fighting-affected areas;
9 .       Requests the Secretary-General to report immediately to the Security Council any obstructions to the effective operation of UNSMIS by any party;
10. Expresses its intention to assess the implementation of this resolution and to consider further steps as appropriate;
11. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

  • Le projet britannique de résolution du 11 juillet 2012

UK draft resolution on Syria/ UNSMIS under Chapter VII
Mark Lyall Grant, Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the UN, speaks to the press. June 2012


The Security Council,


PP1. Recalling its Resolutions 2043 (2012) and 2042 (2012), and its Presidential Statements of 3 August 2011, 21 March 2012 and 5 April 2012,

PP2. Reaffirming also its support to the Joint Special Envoy for the United Nations and the League of Arab States, Kofi Annan, and his work, following General Assembly resolution A/RES/66/253 of 16 February 2012 and relevant resolutions of the League of Arab States, aimed at securing full implementation of his six-point plan in its entirety, as annexed to resolution 2042 (2012),


PP3. Welcoming the National Compact and the Joint Political Vision for the Features of the Transitional Phase as approved by the Syrian Opposition Conference held under the auspices of the League of Arab States in Cairo on July 3, 2012,

PP4. Condemning the Syrian authorities’ increasing use of heavy weapons, including indiscriminate shelling from tanks and helicopters, in population centres and failure to withdraw its troops and heavy weapons to their barracks contrary to paragraph 2 of resolution 2043 (2012),


PP5. Condemning the continued widespread violations of human rights by the Syrian authorities, as well as any human rights abuses by armed groups, and recalling that those responsible shall be held accountable, and expressing its profound regret at the death of many thousands of people in Syria,

PP6. Deploring the deteriorating humanitarian situation and the failure to ensure timely provision of humanitarian assistance to all areas affected by the fighting contrary to point 3 of the Envoy’s six-point plan, reiterating its call for the Syrian parties to allow immediate, full and unimpeded access of humanitarian personnel to all populations in need of assistance, in particular to civilian populations in need of evacuation, and calling upon all parties in Syria, in particular the Syrian authorities, to cooperate fully with the United Nations and relevant humanitarian organizations to facilitate the provision of humanitarian assistance;


PP7. Condemning that thousands of Syrians continue to be detained in networks of Government-run facilities and deploring that there is no freedom of assembly contrary to points 4 and 6 of the six-point plan, and recalling the urgency of intensifying the pace and scale of release of arbitrarily detained persons, and reiterating the need for Syrians to enjoy the freedom to assemble, including to demonstrate peacefully and freedom of movement for journalists throughout the country, as part of the necessary conditions for a political transition,

PP8. Expressing grave concern at the increasing numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons as a result of the ongoing violence, and expressing its appreciation of the significant efforts that have been made by the States bordering Syria to assist those who have fled across Syria’s borders as a consequence of the violence, and requesting UNHCR to provide assistance as requested by member states receiving these displaced persons,


PP9. . Having considered the Secretary-General’s report on UNSMIS dated 6 July 2012, commending United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) personnel for their continued efforts in a dangerous and volatile environment, and deploring that, due to the failure of the parties to implement the six-point plan and to the level of violence, monitoring access restrictions and direct targeting, the Mission’s operational activities were rendered unworkable, and noting the Secretary-General’s recommendation that a shift in Mission structure and focus should be considered,

PP10. Stressing that rapid progress on a political solution represents the best opportunity to resolve the situation in Syria peacefully, welcoming in this regard the outcome of the Envoy’s 30 June Action Group meeting, and noting that progress towards an atmosphere of safety and calm is key to enabling a credible transition,


PP11. Noting the Secretary-General’s 7 July 2012 call on the Security Council to provide the necessary support and ensure sustained, united and effective pressure on all concerned to ensure implementation of its resolutions and create conditions for the success of a political solution envisaged by the Action Group,

PP12. Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Syria, and to the purposes and principles of the Charter,


PP13. Determining that the situation in Syria constitutes a threat to international peace and security,

PP14. Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,


1.    Expresses grave concern at the escalation of violence, and the failure of the parties, in particular the Syrian authorities, to implement the Envoy’s six-point plan as annexed to resolution 2042 (2012), thus not permitting the creation of a political space that would allow for meaningful political dialogue,

2.    Endorses in full the 30 June Action Group Communiqué and its underlying guidelines and principles (Annex A);


3.    Demands that all Syrian parties work with the Envoy to implement rapidly the transition plan set forth in the Communiqué, including through: (a) the establishment of a transitional governing body which could include members of the present government and the opposition and other groups and be formed on the basis of mutual consent and which would exercise full executive powers, (b) a review of the constitutional order and legal system and development of a new constitution that would be subject to popular approval and as a result of a inclusive and meaningful national dialogue process, and (c) the holding of free and fair multi-party elections on the basis of the new constitution;

Enabling Transition: Immediate implementation of the Envoy’s six-point plan


4.    Demands the urgent, comprehensive, and immediate implementation of, all elements of the Envoy’s six-point proposal as annexed to resolution 2042 (2012) aimed at bringing an immediate end to all violence and human rights violations, securing humanitarian access and facilitating a Syrian-led political transition as outlined in Annex A, leading to a democratic, plural political system, in which citizens are equal regardless of their affiliations, ethnicities or beliefs, including through commencing a comprehensive political dialogue between the Syrian authorities and the whole spectrum of the Syrian opposition;

5.    Decides that the Syrian authorities shall implement visibly and verifiably their commitments in their entirety, as they agreed to do in the Preliminary Understanding and as stipulated in resolution 2042 (2012) and 2043(2012), to (a) cease troop movements towards population centres, (b) cease all use of heavy weapons in such centres, (c) complete pullback of military concentrations in and around population centres, and to withdraw its troops and heavy weapons from population centres to their barracks or temporary deployment places to facilitate a sustained cessation of violence;


6.    Demands that all parties in Syria, including the opposition, immediately cease all armed violence in all its forms, thereby creating an atmosphere conducive to a political transition;


7.    Recalls that all those responsible for human rights violations, including acts of violence, must be held accountable,

8.    Notes Commissioner Pinheiro’s unofficial visit to Damascus and decides that the Syrian Government shall provide the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic and individuals working on its behalf immediate entry and access to all areas of Syria, decides that the Syrian authorities shall cooperate fully with the Commission of Inquiry in the performance of its mandate, and requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council all information gathered by the Independent Commission of Inquiry pertaining to the commission of widespread and systematic violations of human rights;



9.    Decides to renew the mandate of the United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) for a period of 45 days, on the basis of the Secretary-General’s recommendation to reconfigure the Mission to increase support for dialogue with and between the parties, and enhance attention to the political track and rights’ issues across the six-point plan;


10. Requests the Secretary-General to retain the minimum military observer capacity and requisite civilian component necessary to promote forward steps on the six-point plan through facilitation of political dialogue and to conduct verification and fact-finding tasks;

11. Condemns all attacks against UNSMIS, reaffirms that perpetrators of attacks against UN personnel must be held to account, demands that the parties guarantee the safety of UNSMIS personnel without prejudice to its freedom of movement and access, and stresses that the primary responsibility in this regard lies with the Syrian authorities;


12. Demands that the Syrian authorities ensure the effective operation of UNSMIS by: facilitating the expeditious and unhindered deployment of its personnel and capabilities as required to fulfil its mandate; ensuring its full unimpeded, and immediate freedom of movement and access as necessary to fulfil its mandate, underlining in this regard the need for the Syrian authorities and the United Nations to come rapidly to an agreement on appropriate air transportation assets for UNSMIS; allowing its unobstructed communications; and allowing it to freely and privately communicate with individuals throughout Syria without retaliation against any person as a result of interaction with UNSMIS;



13. Decides that, if the Syrian authorities have not fully complied with paragraph 5 above within ten days, then it shall impose immediately measures under Article 41 of the UN Charter;


Reporting and Follow-Up

14. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council on the implementation of this resolution within 10 days of its adoption and every 15 days thereafter;

15. Expresses its intention to assess the implementation of this resolution and to consider further steps as appropriate;


16. Decides to remain seized of the matter;




  • La déclaration du Secrétaire général de l'ONU le 1" juillet (Incident de Trem-seh)

​Le Secrétaire général condamne dans les termes les plus forts les massacres commis dans le village syrien de Treimseh, près de Hama


  • Le projet de déclaration à la presse établi par la présidence colombienne du Conseil de sécurité le 13 juillet 2012 (Incident de Trem-seh)

Examen reporté au lundi 16 à la demande de la Russie pour de plus amples informations sur les circonstances

The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Nestor Osorio (Colombia):

The Security Council has received letters from the Secretary-General and the Joint Special Envoy Kofi Annan on the tragic reports of intense violence and significant casualties coming out of the village of Trem-seh, near Hama.

The members of the Security Council expressed their profound concern and condemned this outrageous escalation of violence in the strongest possible terms. The members of the Security Council extended their profound sympathies and sincere condolences to the families of the victims, and underscored their grave concern about the situation of civilians in Syria.

The use of artillery, tanks and helicopters is a violation of the Syrian Government's obligations and commitments to cease the use of heavy weapons in population centres under the six-point plan and Security Council resolutions 2042 and 2043.

Such outrageous use of force against civilian population constitutes a violation of applicable international law and of the commitments of the Syrian Government under United Nations Security Council resolutions 2042 (2012) and 2043 (2012) to cease violence in all its forms, including the cessation of use of heavy weapons in population centres.  The members of the Security Council insisted upon the full implementation of these resolutions, and they reiterated that all violence in all its forms by all parties must cease.

The members of the Security Council reiterated their full support to the efforts of the Joint Special Envoy for the implementation of his six-point plan in its entirety and requested him to convey in the clearest terms to the Syrian parties, and in particular the Syrian Government, the demands of the Security Council.




Bulletin numéro 313